
Vegetables, Health and Nutrition

Health and nutrition are very important aspects of food culture, and I’ve tried to learn as much as possible about different ways to prepare delicious vegetables, pulses, etc., so that meat eaters may be encouraged to add more of them to their repertoire.

And vegetarians/vegans, try not to be turned off when I show a traditional meat recipe in its native form; many of the sauces are great for you too! With time, you will be able to choose from a drop-down list on the side panel that will give you lists of meat and dairy-free dishes, without having to search through recipes that do not reflect your dietary needs or beliefs.

1 Response to “Vegetables, Health and Nutrition”

  1. August 14, 2009 at 11:52 pm

    It comes as a surprise to people that sauces used for cooking meat can be used for cooking veggies too ! I’m know its a great believer in ‘separate logic from content’ school of thought. So the logic of using coconut milk / peanut butter / onion paste as a base is independent from the content ( meat / vegetables / sea food) that go into it.

    Each cuisine has its own set of favourite bases ( Lentils, tamarind, coconut & yogurt in south India) and its own set of favourite meat / vegetables. I’ve found it easy to understand a cuisine when you get to know its favourite bases, spices and meat / veggies.

    BTW,It fascinates me to see that a slight change in a ‘traditional’ recipe can lead to a completely new recipe which may even jump cuisines.

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